Natural Painite Crystal Unheated Rare Painite Crystal Rough Etsy

Painite Stone Its Meaning, Properties & Value

Batu kristal painite memiliki struktur kimia yang membuatnya cukup misterius, dan menjadi teka-teki di kalangan ilmiah. Baca juga: Apakah Hewan Bisa Memprediksi Cuaca? Menurut George Rossman, profesor mineralogi di Caltech, yang telah meneliti painite sejak tahun 1980-an, seorang kolektor dan dealer permata asal Inggris, Arthur Pain memperoleh.

8mm Natural Painite Crystal Unheated Rare Painite Crystal Etsy

Painite is a very rare borate mineral.It was first found in Myanmar by British mineralogist and gem dealer Arthur C.D. Pain who misidentified it as ruby, until it was discovered as a new gemstone in the 1950s.When it was confirmed as a new mineral species, the mineral was named after him. Due to its rarity, painite can cost between US$50,000 to $60,000 per carat.

Painite (incredibly rare doublyterminated crystals) with Ruby Hinthartaung (Hinthar hill

Painite sendiri kadang ditemukan bersama batu rubi dan permata lainnya. Inilah kenapa Pain mengira itu adalah rubi dan menyubangkannya ke British Museum pada 1954 untuk studi lebih lanjut. Sampel painite lain kembali ditemukan di Myanmar pada 1979 hingga 2001. Saat ini, total ada tiga painite yang ditemukan dan menjadi satu-satunya spesimen.


Painite berbentuk kristal heksagonal merah tua. Dijelaskan laman Live Science, painite adalah mineral borat, artinya memiliki komposisi yang mirip dengan garam tetapi mengeras seperti silikat.Painte pertama kali ditemukan di tambang Burma. Kala itu, seorang pedagang permata Inggris, mengira batu itu adalah ruby.

Batu painite stone YouTube

Painite, one of the rarest gemstones on the planet, is revered as the 'Holy Grail' of precious stones. Uncovering the mystique and value of Painite requires understanding its unique characteristics, its history, and the rarity. Painite's value is reflected not only in its scarcity but also in the laborious and intricate process of its.


Painite. Painite adalah salah satu jenis batu akik yang paling langka di dunia. Batu akik ini hanya ditemukan tiga buah di seluruh dunia. Painite pertama kali ditemukan di Myanmar pada tahun 1950-an oleh seorang meteorolog Inggris. Harga Painite mencapai 798 juta rupiah per karat. Harganya yang sangat tinggi ini disebabkan oleh kelangkaan batu.

10 Jenis Batu Akik Paling Langka di Dunia

Painite's Specific Gravity: 4.0 - 4.3 As helpful as specific gravity is for identifying minerals, amateurs are usually constrained by the need for more necessary tools for the job. However, one way to work around this is to hold the specimen and note how heavy or heft it feels compared to what you might expect a specimen of that size to weigh.

7 1.90ct Burm Very Rare 100 Natural Raw Rough Painite Crystal Specimen .35g Crystals, Stones

More About the History of Painite. Painite #1 is a 1.7 gram crystal that resides in the British Museum of Natural History, London (BM 1954,192). It was obtained in 1952 through a donation by A.C.D. Pain, and originally described in an article by Claringbull et al in 1957. The slice of this crystal (painite #1b) that was used for the X-ray structure determination (Moore & Araki, 1976) and the.

Painite with Corundum (variety ruby) Hinthar Hill, Wetloo, KyaukPyatThat, Mogok Township

Painite is a red gemstone from Myanmar originally mistaken for ruby. It's known for being one of the rarest gemstones in the world, which is part of why we've included it in our list of the top 10 gemstones of all time.. But is painite the rarest gem? In 2005, painite officially held the Guinness World Record for the world's rarest gemstone, with under 24 painite gems known in 2004.

Painite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information Gem Society

Painite is a borate crystal, meaning it contains boron. It also contains zirconium. Boron has a notoriously difficult time bonding with zirconium. In fact, painite is the only mineral in which the.

Top 20 Rarest Gemstones In The World (In Order By Value) (2022)

Kelangkaan Painite terbukti dari jumlah batu yang hanya ada tiga di dunia, walaupun begitu, banyak yang berpendapat bahwa Painite masih banyak terdapat di lapisan tanah Myanmar, tempat pertama kali Painite ditemukan. Jenis 6: Batu Akik Gradidierite. Tingginya harga batu akik yang satu ini dikarenakan batu ini tergolong sangat langka.

Ini Alasannya Kenapa Pilih Emas Dibanding 10 Permata Termahal di Dunia

Painite is often considered one of the rarest gemstones on Earth, making it a coveted treasure among collectors and enthusiasts. Painite is a borate mineral composed of calcium, zirconium, aluminum, boron, oxygen, and chlorine. Its chemical formula is typically represented as CaZrAl_9 (BO_3)_3O_15Cl.

Natural Painite Crystal Unheated Rare Painite Crystal Rough Etsy

Selain kyawthuite , painite (CaZrAl9 (BO3)O15)adalah mineral paling langka di Bumi selanjutnya. Menariknya, painite juga ditemukan di Mogok, Myanmar. Dari segi bentuk, painite adalah kristal heksagonal berwarna merah tua. Mineral ini dinamai dari pakar mineralogi dan pedagang permata asal Inggris, Arthur C. D. Pain.

Natural Painite Crystal Unheated Rare Painite Crystal Rough Etsy

Painite consists of boron and zirconium and was once mistaken for a ruby. Painite is an exceptional gem in many ways. For one, only a little over 300 painite crystals have been discovered. For another, its rarity means it has a very high value. The average price per carat for painite is between $50,000 and $60,000 .

Painite The Rarest Gemstone On Earth BC Gold Adventures

Harga batu akik ini konon katanya 1,5 juta US dollar per karatnya. Painite. Painite adalah salah satu batu akik yang dikatakan dijual dengan harga yang mahal di dunia. mungkin ada beberapa dari anda yang masih asing mendengar nama batu akik ini. Pantas saja, karena keberadaan batu akik painite yang sudah jarang ditemui.

kolesi batu 10 Batu Akik Langka yang Banyak Diburu

10 Batu mulia paling berharga di dunia. 10. Alexandrite. Alexandrite hijau dan Ungu - Courtesy of Harga: Sekitar 230 juta Rupiah per karat. Warna: Biru kehijauan pada siang hari, ungu dengan undertone merah pada malam hari. Batu yang dijuluki emerald by day, ruby by night ini memiliki kemampuan untuk berubah warna.