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You can reply in the following ways: I am good! I am doing fine!. Awesome! Never been better! I'm a little tired. Things have been better. I am a bit sad. You can express your feelings in the amount of detail that you wish.

jawaban dari how are you today My life note's teks cerita sejarah pribadi

A: So am I. (Saya juga baik-baik saja) Catatan: Apabila hanya menjawab "fine" saja tanpa diikuti "thanks" atau pertanyaan balik, lawan bicara bisa mengartikan bahwa Anda tidak ingin melanjutkan percakapan. 3. Not Bad. Jawaban selanjutnya untuk "how are you today?" adalah "not bad" atau secara harfiah berarti "lumayan" atau.

soal dan jawaban lagu mother how are you today Chord lagu dia mengerti maria shandi

Good. The most common way to answer "How are you?" or "How are you doing?" is to simply say "Good". Even if you are not doing particularly well that day, it is still common to answer "Good" as this is a positive and polite response. If you feel this answer is too short, you can say "Good thanks." or "Good thanks. How are.

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Pretty good โ€” This was actually the catchphrase of a popular American comedian. You can hear him say it in this clip. A lot. (Warning: you might want to hit him by the end of the clip. Prepare yourself.) I'm well. โ€” Like with "I'm good," you can shorten this to "well.".

jawaban dari how are you today My life note's teks cerita sejarah pribadi

Jadi, kita memang tidak selalu fine atau baik-baik saja. Oleh karena itu, gue akan berbagi cara menjawab pertanyaan how are you berdasarkan tiga kategori yaitu:. Ketika keadaan sedang baik (positif) Ketika keadaan biasa saja. Ketika keadaan tidak baik (negatif)

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If you want to start an authentic conversation with someone, try the following phrases instead: 6. What are you doing today? While how are you? gets you a two-word answer, what are you doing today? invites the person to tell you about the plans for their day. You'd probably hear this alternative among friends, family, or colleagues.

Ragam Jawaban untuk Pertanyaan How are You

How to respond to "How are you?" or "How are you doing?". When someone says, "How are you?", you can respond with any of these three common responses: "I'm great, thank you for asking. How about you?". "I'm feeling quite fine, thanks, and you?". "Fine, and you?". Your response to this question depends on whether you.

soal dan jawaban lagu mother how are you today Chord lagu dia mengerti maria shandi

Person 1: "Hi, it's nice to meet you. How are you?". Person 2: "I'm doing well, thanks. It's nice to meet you too.". It is common to follow up the question with a brief conversation about each other's well-being or current circumstances. However, you can also use the question as a simple greeting and move on to a different topic.

40 Jawaban How Are You yang Keren dan Anti Mainstream

Here are some of the idiomatic ways to respond to "How are you?". "Living the dream.". "Pretty peachy.". "Hanging in like a hair on a biscuit.". "As happy as a clam.". These more colorful responses are best used in lighthearted conversations with close friends and family.

jawaban untuk how are you today Wijaya kusuma

Say one or two positive words, thank them for asking, and ask them the same question. Any of these answers will work almost all of the time: "Great, thank you. How are you?" (very positive) "Good, thanks, and you?" (positive - this is the most common answer) "Fine, thanks. How are you?" (a little less positive - I'm okay)

Ragam Jawaban untuk Pertanyaan How are You

There are many ways to ask this fundamental question, but how you phrase it can imply different things. For example: 1 How are you? This is polite, but it's not necessarily a serious inquiry about the other person's well-being. 2 How are you doing? This is a direct inquiry about how a person is feeling in general.

jawaban untuk how are you today Wijaya kusuma

Jawaban fine saja tanpa diikuti thanks atau pertanyaan balik, lawan bicara bisa mengartikan bahwa kamu tidak ingin melanjutkan percakapan. Not Bad. Jawaban selanjutnya untuk "how are you today?" adalah "not bad"atau secara harafiah berarti "lumayan" atau "tidak buruk". Contoh: A: How are you today? B: Not bad. Thank you, and you?

40 Jawaban How Are You yang Keren dan Anti Mainstream

The same is true when you chat with colleagues at work. In this Confident English lesson, you'll learn 20 different ways Americans ask "how are you." We'll talk about what that they're really asking and how you can best respond. Plus, you'll learn the pronunciation you're likely to hear so you recognize it when you hear it.

soal dan jawaban lagu mother how are you today Chord lagu dia mengerti maria shandi

If you are willing to start a conversation, you can use the following answers: "A lot!" If you are excited by all of the things happening lately in your life, you can use this answer. The other person might ask you for more details to get the conversation going. You can also directly reply by explaining what recently happened.

jawaban dari how are you today My life note's teks cerita sejarah pribadi

"How are you today?" might be more suitable if you saw the person yesterday or the previous night when you are asking for an update on a person's health. The addition of "today" lets the person answering the question know that it is a good idea to compare how they were feeling yesterday with today.

jawaban keren untuk how are you Jawaban terbaik

10 Best responses to " How are you? " you can use any time. When someone asks " How are you? ", there are a lot of answers to choose from. Here is the list of some responses you can use any time regardless of the context. "I'm doing well, thanks for asking. And yourself?". "I'm doing great, thank you.