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Background Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocols reduce length of stay, complications and costs for a large number of elective surgical procedures. A similar, structured approach appears to improve outcomes, including mortality, for patients undergoing high-risk emergency general surgery, and specifically emergency laparotomy. These are the first consensus guidelines for optimal.

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The Latins ( Latin: Latinus (m.), Latina (f.), Latini (m. pl.)), sometimes known as the Latials [1] or Latians, were an Italic tribe which included the early inhabitants of the city of Rome (see Roman people ). From about 1000 BC, the Latins inhabited the small region known to the Romans as Old Latium (in Latin Latium vetus ), that is, the area.

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These high-risk patients are likely to benefit from a structured approach with defined pathways of care and organizational resource allocation to prioritize their management [26, 36]. As emergency laparotomy comprises a diverse group of patients and there are a number of new pathway components to be considered, we have divided these guidelines.


An exploratory laparotomy, also known as a celiotomy or "ex lap," is a type of major surgery that involves opening the abdomen with a large incision in order to visualize the entire abdominal cavity. Your abdominal cavity contains a variety of organs and tissues, including the intestines, appendix, stomach, ovaries, and kidneys, to name a few.

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Emergency laparotomies are time-sensitive abdominal surgeries associated with high rate of morality. Audits and patient care pathways have been used by many countries to improve the quality of care and reduce mortality. Goal-directed resuscitation, consultant-led care, early transfer to operation theater, damage control surgery and.

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This is the first full account in English of the archaeological material from early Rome and the surrounding region of Latium, from the Late Bronze Age down to the end of the sixth century BC. The book sets for the first time the region of Latium in its proper context as the hinterland of Rome, and as participating in the major developments in central Italy, including Campania and Etruria, and.

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The Emergency Laparotomy Pathway Quality Improvement Care (ELPQuiC) bundle project commenced in 2011 and utilised a formalised pathway for emergency laparotomy patients at four UK hospitals. 24 Features of the bundle are reproduced in Figure 1. This approach significantly reduced mortality in the hospitals studied.

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The following evidence-based components should be incorporated into an intraoperative pathway of care for each patient undergoing EL. Intraoperative surgical considerations The choice of surgical technique should be based upon a judgment of factors related to the patient, the surgical pathology, preoperative imaging findings, surgeon's.

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Laporan Pendahuluan Post Op Laparatomi. d. Transverse lower abdomen incision, yaitu; insisi melintang di bagian bawah 4cm diatas anterior spinaliliaka, misalnya; pada operasi appendictomy. Latihan -latihan fisik seperti latihan napas dalam, latihan batuk, menggerakan otot-otot kaki, menggerakkan otot-otot bokong, Latihan alih baring dan turun.

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Castle Sant'Angelo, accessed by the Bridge of Angels. The castle is a former tomb of Emperor Hadrian decorated in papal splendor. Everyone walks by this famous Roman landmark. But not many go inside. Castle Sant'Angelo is thus a fascinating hidden gem in Rome, in plain sight. Castle Sant'Angelo is the perfect reflection of Rome's history.

Operasi Laparatomi Adalah Homecare24

2.1.1 Pengertian Laparatomi Laparatomi merupakan salah satu prosedur pembedahan mayor dengan melakukan penyayatan pada lapisan-lapisan dinding abdomen untuk mendapatkan bagian organ abdomen yang mengalami masalah (hemoragi, perforasi, kanker dan obstruksi). Laparatomi dilakukan pada kasus-kasus seperti apendiksitis, perforasi,

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assessment of the wound site and wound care, possibly including drainage. a tube through the nose into the stomach to drain the stomach for a day or two, if necessary, to help the digestive tract.

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Laparotomy. A laparotomy is open abdominal surgery. It can help your surgeon both diagnose and treat issues. An exploratory laparotomy opens you up to find the source of an issue in your abdomen, and hopefully fix it, too. You may also have a scheduled operation to remove an organ, deliver a baby or stage and treat cancer.


These rescue pathways have focused on early diagnosis and surgery, specialist surgeon and anaesthetist involvement, goal-directed therapy and intensive or intermediary postoperative care for high-risk patients. In elective surgery, enhanced recovery has resulted in reduced length of stay and morbidity by the application of procedure-specific.

Laparotomy surgery, exploratory laparotomy or open laparotomy procedure

The word laparotomy is derived from the Greek words lapara, meaning flank, and tomy, meaning cut. In surgical practice, this translates to a big cut in the abdomen to gain access to the peritoneal cavity. Usually, a standard laparotomy is a cut made in the midline along the linea alba. In the United Kingdom, this is a common procedure with approximately 30,000 to 50,000 performed annually.[1]